General Virtual Assistant

It’s been said that it takes roughly 10,000 hours to become good at something, or 28 days of doing the same thing over and over to create a habit. So when looking at your growing list of to-do’s or goals —or maybe even that voice inside that says, “One day I’m going to…”—remember that not only will it take some time, but it will also require hard work. We live in a society that likes to have things instantly—streaming movies, instant music downloads, food or grocery delivery in under an hour, and so on—so much so that we can sometimes forget the best and most valuable things in life come from working hard to achieve them. Sitting down at the blank computer screen to get started on your objectives will require time and lots of creativity, but you’ve got this! Whatever it is that you're wanting to achieve, if it’s worth it, will require all your attention and energy.

So if you're lacking those things right now, check out these best hard work quotes that will give an extra nudge.